Sunday, September 30, 2012

Hail & Birthday Pie

On Thursday we had an incredible hail storm! We got a great pile right under the gutter outside our window.

 The pile under the gutter
He and Auntie got red hands from showing me all the hail they collected.

Stephen has been waiting for 3 months to throw a snowball (I'm not sure why...)
Stephen was very excited to put on his wintercoat. Although by the time we got to Darling's work we were SO HOT we had to take them off again (hello fall!)
The road looked like it had snowed

Jax called for Darling's birhtday and Stephen was SO EXCITED!
The peach pie I made for Darling's bday dinner. It was good, but not nearly as good as when we had it with Jax (Jax always makes it better!)

We were given a gift card to a local restaurant from Auntie & Uncle, so we used it for Darling's bday lunch. He got a free sundae! And it was pretty good too!
Today Papadou and Janou are coming for us to have  'Little House on the Prarie' afternoon. We are going to make a green pumpkin pie (from 'The Long Winter'), have Stephen see a kerosene lamp work (not a common thing now-a-days) and Darling has made a button lamp (also from 'The Long Winter'), which works amazingly well! Tune in later for the photos...