Yesterday Little Man was a bit under the weather, so we had a tv day. He and Auntie watched Ratatouille and then played bubbles (thanks Janou!). Then they put stickers on a package we're mailing to Jax.
I am very thankful for so many things today, so I am going to list them:
-My cousin's daughter is home from the hospital (heading back in in a week)
-My other cousin and new baby are home too (although still struggling from a difficult delivery)
-A dear friend got a job we were really praying she would get.
-It rained several hours yesterday and what a blessing rain is! It helps the really dry ground we've had.
-Stephen is such a healthy guy, days like yesterday are rare ones.
Today Stephen woke up and asked if we could watch 'Lady and the Tramp.' Since he's still sick, I said yes. And how can you watch Lady and the Tramp without eating Spaghetti and Meatballs? :-) A unique breakfast for sure but what a great memory.
Also today I'm fixing Darling's birthday dinner. Since we finished reading the 'Boxcar Children' series, we have started in on 'Little House on the Prarie'. We started with our favorite one: On The Shores of Silver Lake. The first time Darling and I read it (about 6 years ago) it was a snowy day and we fixed this incredible meal from scratch that I have from Emeril Lagasse (well, his website anyway :) It's Southern Fried Pork Chops with a Sausage Gravy over Mashed Potatoes. I'm not sure if it was reading all day about a family who made the most of every moment, every gift - no matter how small - and each other, but that meal rocked. So that's what I'm fixing him tonight, along with a peach pie for dessert. I made the pie when Jax stayed with us right before she moved and it was amazing. Needless to say, we probably won't be eating alot for the next few days :-)
All the family that was in town (missing Jax in LA - happy for her, sniff for us) went to a pumpkin patch and apple orchard farm this last Saturday. We celebrated Darling's birthday all along the way. It was a lovley time, although the apples were quite small because of the drought southern Colorado has had this year.
Stephen and Auntie
Beautiful Janou in the pumpkin patch (she is so at home in a garden)
Stephen chose a green pumpkin, which really made me happy, since Ma (in reading Little House on the Prarie) made Pa a green pumpkin pie once and he said it tasted just like an apple pie. I'm excited to try!
We would pick the apples off the trees, take a bite (by the farm's recommendation) and therefore determine if we picked apples from that tree. Some were juicy!
Stephen loved pulling the apples off the low-hanging branches
Papadou using the 'apple picker' to reach the high apples
Papadou and Stephen loved working together
Can't have a family get-together without seeing this tongue....
Uncle and Auntie sat under an apple tree and sang 'Don't Sit Under The Apple Tree With Anyone Else But Me' (by the Andrews Sisters). We are the biggest dorks :)
See, I told you - dorks
On the 'hayride' heading down to the pumpkin patch
Darling blowing out the candles on his chocolate cake (which was great; Stephen and I soaked the cake in coffee then layered it with whipped cream, chocolate pudding and toffee bits....oh my)
Okay, this photo is not from the weekend, but I couldn't have a family get-together without Jax's picture :D