Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Let's Remember Joy

There is pain in every life. Some appear to have more than others, but every life experiences pain. It's a part of this life, that's just it. Jesus said, "In this world you will have trouble, but take heart, I have overcome the world." In Revelation, we are told over and over again that the one who overcomes this short life and its pain will have an eternity of peace, joy and God's love.

My family has had its share of pain, both personally and vicariously through our friends and family. There is always pain. But I believe we can have joy too. Joy in the midst of suffering and pain.

I am writing this blog to remind myself - and others - that there is joy amidst all this great turmoil, especially as it seems to be getting worse the world-over. So let's enjoy the 'normal' days; the special days and yes, the hard days. Because the end of it all is to, strangely, bring us closer to the Love of God.