Friday, August 24, 2012

Boxcar Children "Secret Code Buns"

As I said previously, we read a book on the way to Darling's work every morning and we have been going through the Boxcar children series rapidly. On Tuesday, when Stephen and I got home, we used a Brioche Bun recipe to make our 'secret' buns, but we finished 'Snowbound' book #13 today! So now that we knew 'Tom's secret recipe' (or most of it, anyway), we had to try our hand at it!

The recipe, as translated on page 95 of the book, is:
1 Cup Milk
1/4 Cup butter
1/4 tsp sugar
1 tsp salt
1 yeast cake
1/4 cup water
1 egg
3 Cups Flour
Bake at 400 degrees for 15 minutes.

Since Stephen and I have been baking bread 2-3 times a week for about a month now, we had some idea how it should go, so we added these alterations to fill in the missing blanks:
Heated the milk with the butter til butter was melted. Increased the sugar to 1/2 tsp (cuz 1/4 tsp just seemed ridiculously low!). Used warm water to dissolve the yeast, sugar and salt in. Added the egg to the yeast mixture then the milk mixture then the flour. We kneaded it for about 4 minutes (Stephen is really good at this). We set it to rise for 1 hour (which they are doing right now).

Now all that was left was what to fill in the '?' which represented the secret ingredient (never disclosed in the book). So we chose cinnamon and 1 tsp brown sugar.

I have been reading the series off and on since I was a child and this particular book is my favorite. That said, I'm not sure any buns could live up to any expectation I may have (not to mention, did the author, Gertrude Chandler Warner, make this recipe up? Is it even a real recipe? Dare I hope, it is her grandmother's time worn recipe that will knock my socks off?) Tune in tomorrow to find out!